Published Work

The Tower

"I Smell Like McDonald's" (Poem, 1998)
"To Whom It Doesn't Concern"  (Poem, 1999)

 Aura Literary Arts Review

"Madonna Enthroned with Grilled Cheese"
"Virgin in Majesty with Saints and Angels"
"Venus de Columbiana" (Poems,Spring/ Summer 2006, v. 32, issue 1)

"20th Century Sketches by Boz" (Non-Fiction, Spring/ Summer 2007, v.33, issue 1)

"Fishing Tips" (Poem, Fall 2007, v.33, issue 2)
"Chasing Twilight" (Fiction, Fall 2007, v.33, issue 2)
"Closing at Four" (Fiction, Fall 2007, v.33, issue 2)

"Star Lady"
"Hermitess" (Poems, Spring 2008, v. 34, issue 1)

SP Quill Magazine

"The Clink"  (Poem, Spring 2008, v.18)

The Broome Review

"Yesterday's Happenings"  (Fiction, Spring 2009, issue 2)

White Pelican Review

"Ratio in Drought"  (Poem, Spring 2010, v. 11.1)


"The Agnostic Backslides into Negative Belief"  (Poem, 2010)

Measure, A Review of Formal Poetry

"Statue in Niche"  (Poem, 2009 Volume 4, Issue 2)

The Able Muse

"Boy at Play" (Poem, Summer, v9, 2010)

Blood and Thunder 

"Broad Brush (Neuro-Oncology, Basement Floor)"  (Poem, Fall 2010)

Sugar House Review

"The Tangle"  (Poem, v2, Fall/ Winter 2010)

"Awful at Matches" (Fiction, vXXVI, 2011)

Hospital Drive

"A Man Drowns"  (Poem, Winter 2010/ 2011)


"Wet Cement" (Fiction, Summer 2011)

Muse and Stone

"Jacket Pockets" (Poem, Summer 2011)

Steam Ticket

"Easter" (Poem, vXIV, Spring 2011) 


"At the Mirror Each Time"
"To a Friend, Though He'll Never Know, But Before I Forget" (Poems Issue 27, Fall 2011) 

Blood Lotus

"Apology to Pluto, and Congratulations" (Poem, Issue 21, Summer 2011)

Conte, A Journal of Narrative Writing

"Widower at Perril Falls"  (Poem, Issue 7.1, 2011) 

The Lyric

"The Reed Song"
"Sestina For a Friend, Two Years Too Late"   (Poems, Winter 2012)

Mixed Fruit

"Waiting" (Fiction, Issue 3, October 2011)  

Contemporary Haibun Online  

"Periodical"  (Poem,  Jan 1, 2012, vol 7 no 4)

Assisi: An Online Journal of Arts and Letters 

"The Pertinent Quirks"  (Fiction,V.2, issue 2, 3, pg. 82)

The Mayo Review

 "Weather"  (Poem, Spring 2012) 

Picayune Poetry Magazine 

 "Summer in the Old Dominion" (Poem, Spring 2012) 

Brink Magazine

"On Father's Day Thinking of Pets
"The Prey"
"Caffeinated Scholar Stays Indoors"  (Poems, Vol. VI, No. 1, Spring 2012)

The Louisville Review

"Death Be Not Incarnate"
"At Least They're Not Barking at You" (Poems, No. 72, Fall 2012)

r.k.vr.y. quarterly literary journal

"Harold" (Poem, Winter 2013)

Weave Magazine

"Ankle Deep at Dusk" (Poem, Issue 9, Summer 2013)

The Barefoot Review

"Uncle Ben and the Eye of Charley"
"The Playground"
"For Once" (Poems, December 2012)


"In Terms of Grass and Dirt" (Poem, Issue 2, Dec., 2012)
Inscape Journal of Literature and Art

"Unpacking to Pack in Advance of Another Move" (Poem, Volume 38, 2013)

Ellipsis . . . literature and art

"A Crawl Space for an Attic" (Poem, Volume 49, 2013)

“After the Party” (Poem, Vol. 32, Issue 2, 2013)
“Night Class” (Poem, 2013)
Red Ochre Literature

"Cutaneous off of San Salvador"
"Alabama Heat"
"Out on the Illinois" (Poems, Vol. 3. No. 1, Spring 2013)

Petrichor Review

"What Seemed Like Good Ideas"
"Measurement BY Desert Locust"  (poems, upcoming Spring 2013)  

OVS: Organs of Vision and Speech

"We Wait With Her"  (upcoming 2013)  

Poet Lore

"Home from Damascus" (Poem, Volume 108, Issue 3/4)

 Tipton Poetry Journal

“Renaissance” (upcoming)

Drunk Monkeys

"The Snowglobe" (Poem, March 25, 2014)

Forge Journal

"Into the Breakers" (Fiction, Spring, 2014)

Literary Juice

"Slow Falling Leaf"
"(1975-)" (poems, April, 2014)